LAWRENCEBURG, INDIANA, July 9, 2018 – Dearborn Community Foundation’s 17th Annual Golf Scramble fundraiser is slated for Monday, August 13, at Hidden Valley Golf Club. Hollywood Casino Lawrenceburg, UCB Charitable Foundation, and Aurora Lions Club are the “Presenting Sponsors” for the event. Hidden Valley Lake POA/Hidden Valley Golf Club is donating the use of the golf course to the Foundation for the 17th straight year.
Proceeds from the golf scramble support the Foundation’s mission to create a permanent legacy through endowed grant and scholarship programs that forever give back to the Dearborn County community, said Fred McCarter, Executive Director of Dearborn Community Foundation, Inc.(DCF).
“We appreciate the continuing support of both our presenting sponsors and, of course, the incredible generosity of the HVL POA and Hidden Valley Golf Club for their longtime support of the Foundation,” McCarter said. “All sponsors and golfers who participate in the event provide fine examples of philanthropy in our community.”
Other sponsors:
Food & Beverage Sponsors:
Blue & Co.
Friendship State Bank
Mason Investment Advisory Services
St. Leon Skyline Chili
Media Sponsor: Register Publications
The DCF golf scramble event day registration is 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. with a 10 a.m. shotgun start on August 13. Food and beverage is provided! Golfers can also participate in games throughout the golf course.
Golfers can participate in the event by paying a $100 per player registration fee or $400 for a foursome. The Foundation is also seeking Food & Beverage Sponsors, Hole Sponsors and Door Prize Sponsors for the golf fundraiser. Anyone wishing to play in the event, purchase a sponsorship or donate a door prize can call the Foundation at 812-539-4115, email at [email protected] or [email protected], or stop by the office at 322 Walnut Street in Lawrenceburg.