Alzheimer’s Support Groups of Southeast Indiana Fund: supports the operations of the Alzheimer’s Support Groups of Southeast Indiana, Inc.

Amy Cotton Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollar for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship American, Inc.

Anderson Academic Awards Fund: provides support to Lawrenceburg High School for Jack Anderson Awards Program.

The ARC of Dearborn County Fund: provides support to the ARC of Dearborn County, Inc.

Aurora Public Library District Fund: provides support to the Aurora Public Library District.

Aurora Quality of Life Improvement Fund: provides funds to improve the quality of life for the residents of the City of Aurora.

Aurora Tri-Kappa Fund: provides support to the Kappa Chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa scholarship program.

Barrott Family Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc. for the Barrott Family Scholarship.

Benner-Walsman Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to East Central High School’s Benner-Walsman Memorial Scholarship.

Bill Lakes Dillsboro Elementary Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Bill Slayback Memorial Basketball Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Brandon Cromer Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Bright Lions Club Fund: provides support to the Bright Lions Club

Bright Volunteer Fire Department Fund:  provides operational support to the Bright Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.

Brittany Kelly Black Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to the Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Buck Crontz Boy Scouts of America Troop 637 Eagle Scout Fund: provides support to the Buck Crontz Boy Scouts of America Troop 637.

Carnegie Hall Operating Fund: provides support to the Carnegie Historic Landmarks Preservation Society, Inc., Moores Hill.

Charlie Thayer Memorial Golden Glove Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Christopher Midlam Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Chris Doerr Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to the Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Clayton Family Dillsboro Park Maintenance Fund: provides support to the Town of Dillsboro for parks.

Coach Dick Meador Lawrenceburg Football Scholarship Fund: provides support to Lawrenceburg High School.

Coach Jim O’Brien Memorial Soccer Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Collier Holtegel Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Community Mental Health Center Foundation Fund: provides support to the Community Mental Health Center Foundation, Inc.

Community United Methodist Church Fund: provides support for this church.

Cory Lewis Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to the Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Daniel Behlmer Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to the Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Daniel J. Gleason Memorial Fund: provides funding to St. Mary Catholic School, Aurora, for scholarships.

David & Kay Chalk Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support for Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Dearborn Adult Center Fund: provides support to the Dearborn Adult Center.

Dearborn Community Foundation Operating Endowment Fund: provides support to the Dearborn Community Foundation.

Dearborn County Clearing House Fund: provides support to the Dearborn County Clearing House for Emergency Aid, Inc.

Dearborn County Convention, Visitors & Tourism Bureau Fund: provides support to the Dearborn
County Convention, Visitors & Tourism Bureau.

Dearborn County Historical Society Fund: provides support to the Dearborn County Historical Society.

Dearborn County Hospital Foundation Fund: provides support to the Dearborn County Hospital Foundation, Inc.

Dearborn County Parks Fund: provides support to the Dearborn County Parks Foundation, Inc.

Dearborn County Quality of Life Improvement Fund: established to improve the quality of life for the residents in Dearborn County.

Dearborn County Retired Teachers Educators Grant Fund: provides support to the Dearborn County Retired Teachers Foundation, Inc.

Dearborn Highlands Arts Council Fund: provides support to the Dearborn Highlands Arts Council.

Deborah Meyers Guss Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc. for the Deborah Meyers Guss Memorial Scholarship.

Dillsboro Quality of Life Improvement Fund: established to improve the quality of life for the residents in Dillsboro.

Dillsboro Fire Department Fund: provides support for the Dillsboro Volunteer Fire Department.

Dixon-Andrews Fund: provides operational support to the Dearborn Community Foundation, Inc.

Dr. Leslie M. and Dodie E. Baker Hillforest Fund: provides support to Hillforest Historical Foundation, Inc.

Donald Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to the Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Fields Family Memorial Fund: provides support to the Ross Foundation, Inc.

Frances Deddens Memorial Fund: provides support to the All Saints Catholic Academy.

Frank Frondorf Memorial Fund: provides support to East Central High School.

Gentrup-Fogle-Denning Military Scholarship Fund: provides support to Lawrenceburg High School for Gentrup-Fogle-Denning Military Scholarship.

Greendale Beautification Fund: provides support to the City of Greendale for beautification projects focused primarily on the façade or exterior of residential homes in Greendale, Indiana.

Hal E. Driver Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Heffelmire Family Fund for DCF: provides operational support to the Dearborn Community Foundation, Inc.

Hillforest Historical Foundation Fund: provides support to the Hillforest Historical Foundation, Inc.

Historic Hoosier Hills RC&D, Inc., Fund: provides support to the Historic Hoosier Hills RC&D, Inc.

Ivy Tech Community College Scholarship Fund: provides support to Ivy Tech Foundation, Inc.

Ivy Tech Lawrenceburg Campus Fund: provides support to the Ivy Tech Foundation.

James-Jason & Jada Mericle Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to the Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

James Wismann YES Home Fund: provides support to Youth Encouragement Services, Inc. (YES Home).

Jeffrey L. Huntington Hillforest Fund: provides support to Hillforest Historical Foundation, Inc.

Jerry Tucker Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to East Central High School’s Jerry Tucker Memorial Scholarship.

Jim Thayer Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to the Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

John F. PeGan Memorial Fund: provides scholarships for Lawrenceburg High School graduates and provides support to Warm the Children; James B. Wismann YES Home; and Dearborn County Clearing House for Emergency Aid, Inc.

Joseph & Norma Banschbach St. Lawrence School Scholarship Fund: provides scholarships for students attending St. Lawrence School.

Kathi Green Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Katie Bruner Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Laura Busse Rahe Library Fund: provides support to the Aurora Public Library for the purchase of books in Laura Busse Rahe’s name.

Lawrenceburg Public Library Services & Resources Fund: provides support to the Lawrenceburg Public Library Foundation.

LaVerne Denmure Fund: provides support for Hillforest Historical Foundation, Inc.

Loren & Christine Shuter Family Fund: provides support to St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church of Aurora, Indiana.

Main Street Aurora Fund, Inc.: provides support to Main Street Aurora.

Main Street Aurora, Inc., Trail Fund: provides support for Main Street Aurora, Inc. for Dearborn Trails.

Manchester Universalist Unitarian Church Fund 1: provides support to the Manchester Township Volunteer Fire & Rescue, Inc.

Marvin & Sabra Duerstock Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Matt McIntosh Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Michael R. Marine Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Mindy McIntosh Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Moores Hill Alumni Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Moores Hill Parks & Recreation Fund:  provides support to the Town of Moores Hill’s Parks & Recreation Department.

New Horizons, Services & Supports For The Mentally Handicapped Fund: provides support to New Horizons Rehabilitation, Inc.

North Dearborn Pantry Fund:  provides operational support to the North Dearborn Pantry, Inc.

Paul D. Kinghorn Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarships for Lawrenceburg High School graduates.

Pete Parrott Fund: provides support to the Hillforest Historical Foundation, Inc., for exterior maintenance of the museum.

PI Chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa Inc. of Lawrenceburg Fund: provides support to the PI Chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa Inc. of Lawrenceburg.

PAWS of Dearborn County Fund: provides support to the Partners for Animal Welfare Society of Dearborn County, Inc.

Pregnancy Care Center Fund: provides support to the Dearborn County Crisis Pregnancy Center, Inc., Lawrenceburg.

Rachel Meece Memorial Fund: provide support to Rachel’s Garden at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden and to provide support to East Central High School for the Rachel Meece Memorial Scholarship.

Robert & Natalie Harves Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

Rollins Family Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollar for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship American, Inc.

Ross Foundation Fund: provides support to the Ross Foundation, Inc.

Senior Services Development Fund: provides support to Lifetime Resources, Inc.

South Dearborn Dollars for Scholars Initiative Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

South Dearborn Good Knight Award Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

South Dearborn Education Foundation Fund:  to provide support to the South Dearborn Community School Corporation.

South Dearborn It Pays To Stay Scholarship Fund: provides support for Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

South Dearborn Scholarship Foundation Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.

St. John Ev. Lutheran Church Fund:  to provide operational support to the mission of St. Johns Ev. Lutheran Church in Aurora, Indiana.

Stephanie Marie Gould Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to East Central High School for the Stephanie Marie Gould Memorial Scholarship.

Stock Family Fund: provides support to the Dearborn Community Foundation, Inc.

Sunman Rural Fire Department Fund: provides support to Sunman Rural Fire Department.

Telford & Louise Walker Fund:  to provide operational support to the Dearborn Community Foundation.

Terry & Linda Gellert East Central High School Fund:  to provide support to East Central High School to pay expenses of annual senior picnic and programs that positively impact students, including scholarships.

Tim Tyler Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chamber of Scholarship America, Inc.

Ullrich Family Hillforest Fund: provides support to Hillforest Historical Foundation, Inc., for maintenance and beautification of the grounds and exterior of Hillforest Mansion.

United Way of Greater Cincinnati – Dearborn & Ohio Counties Fund:  provides support to the Dearborn and Ohio County United Way.

Willis & Jessie Hoppmire Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to the Dollars for Scholars South Dearborn Chapter of Scholarship America, Inc.


Aurora Lions Club Charitable Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Azana Kay Grace Trentman Memorial Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Blair Family Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Borgman-Meek Family Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

C. Petty Family Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Community Health & Wellness Fund: provides funds to promote health and wellness in Dearborn County.

DCF Youth Council Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Jack Carpenter Memorial Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

James & Darlene Phillips Family Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Kevin Lynch Community Impact Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Kevin & Meghan Schafer Charitable Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Lehner Family Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Maddin-Beall Family Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

McLaughlin Family Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Michael S. Davis Memorial Fund: provides grants for charitable purposes or organizations.

Myles Alig Memorial Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Powell Family Fund: established to provide support for charitable purposes and organizations for the betterment of youth and our community.

PFC Craig A. Keller Memorial Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Rupel Family Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

Strasemeier/Strautman Family Fund: provides support for charitable purposes or organizations.

William K. Ewan Memorial Fund: provides support to charitable causes or organizations.

Willis & Irene Chalk Memorial/Dixon Family Fund: provides support to charitable causes or organizations.


Chester & Ida Muntz Family Memorial Fund: provides support for families with children battling cancer.

Lawrenceburg Youth Fund: provides support to charitable organizations that impact youth in Dearborn County.

Martha McKinney Newhouse Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarship support to Lawrenceburg High School graduates pursuing a degree in Nursing.

Sprint Educational Excellence Fund: provides grants for any charitable purpose that promotes educational excellence within Dearborn County.

Women Empowering Women Fund: established to provide support for programs that help women in need within our community.


Adam Wilhelm Memorial Scholarship Fund:  provides scholarships for graduates of East Central High School.

Byron Hartman Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarships to graduates of East Central High School.

Clarence Ruff and Wilbert Ruff East Central Scholarship Fund: provides scholarships to graduates of East Central High School.

Clifford and Gladys Ellerbrook Ender Nursing Scholarship Fund: provides support to Dearborn County students pursuing a LPN, RN or equivalent degree.

Dan Kuebler Memorial Endowment Fund: provides scholarships for graduates of Lawrenceburg High School and provides funds to support student programs, such as the annual Senior Breakfast.

David and Michelle Deddens Family Scholarship Fund: provides scholarships to graduates of East Central and Franklin County high schools who have worked in the food service industry during their high school years.

Dearborn County 4-H Scholarship Fund: provides support to the Dearborn County 4-H for the award of scholarships.

Denise Ann Beyer Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides support to a graduate from South Dearborn High School pursuing higher education.

Dr. Jim Swanson Scholarship Fund: established to award scholarships to Lawrenceburg High School students with a disability, as defined by the American Disability Act (ADA), planning to attend an accredited college.

Dr. Leslie M. Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarships for students attending the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis.

East Central Scholarship Fund: provides support to the Sunman-Dearborn Scholarship Foundation, Inc. for scholarships for East Central students.

The Frank R. Longcamp Scholarship Fund: provides a scholarship for one student from each of Dearborn County’s three high schools based on criteria set forth by the donor.

Gary Lyon Memorial Scholarship Fund: to provides support to South Dearborn High School students who would like to attend a workshop or special event and financially cannot afford to do so.

Gayle Lightner Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarships to graduates of Lawrenceburg High School.

Gerry Lehn Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarship funds to graduates of Lawrenceburg High School.

Greg Andres North Dearborn Conservation Club Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides a scholarship to a graduate of East Central High School or Franklin County High School.

Jacob Amberger Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarships to graduates of East Central High school.

James Lohmiller Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarship funds to Lawrenceburg High School graduates.

Jim Scott Memorial Scholarship: provides scholarships to graduates of Lawrenceburg High School.

Larry Kinnett Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarship funds to South Dearborn High School graduates seeking a degree in the Literary Arts (English, Literature, and Drama/Theater) or in Education.

Laughery Valley Fraternal Order of Police Scholarship Fund: provides scholarship funds to high school students in Dearborn and Ohio counties planning to attend college.

Lawrenceburg Kiwanis Club Fund: provides scholarship support to current graduates of Lawrenceburg High School based on criteria established by the Lawrenceburg Kiwanis Club.

Lil & Docky Meyers Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarship funds for graduates of East Central, Lawrenceburg, South Dearborn high schools.

Manchester Area Civic Association Scholarship Fund: provides scholarships for residents of Manchester Township, who are current graduating high school seniors.

Marvin & Melvina Curry Scholarship Fund: provides scholarships for a graduates of South Dearborn High School.

Michael Cleary Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides a scholarship for a graduate of East Central High School pursuing higher education in the form of a technical school.

Nanz Family Scholarship Fund: provides funds for scholarships for Lawrenceburg and South Dearborn high school students.

Paul E. “Truck” Tremain Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarship funding to the Paul E. “Truck” Tremain Memorial Scholarship for Lawrenceburg High School graduates.

Perpetual Rotary Scholarship Fund: provides support to the Aurora Rotary Club scholarship program.

R. Daniel Newhouse Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarships to graduates of East Central, Lawrenceburg or South Dearborn high schools.

Roger Gulley Memorial Scholarship Fund: established to provide support to a graduate of South Dearborn High School pursuing a degree in higher education related to music.

Ronald Selmeyer Scholarship Fund: established by the City of Greendale in honor of the late Ronald Selmeyer to provide a scholarship for a senior at Lawrenceburg High School.

Ross Eiler Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarship support to Lawrenceburg High School students planning to attend a four-year accredited institution of higher learning.

William Curtis Ewbank Memorial Scholarship Fund: provides scholarship funds for graduates of Lawrenceburg High School.


CIVISTA Community Fund: provides to support to charitable organizations or charitable causes at the direction of DCF’s board of directors.

Community Grantmaking Fund: provides to support to charitable organizations or charitable causes at the direction of DCF’s board of directors.

Community Unrestricted Fund: provides to support to charitable organizations or charitable causes at the direction of DCF’s board of directors.

Hoosier Hills Credit Union Better for Our Communities Fund: provides to support to charitable organizations or charitable causes at the direction of DCF’s board of directors.

Katie Bruner Community Fund: provides to support to charitable organizations or charitable causes at the direction of DCF’s board of directors.

In The Interest of Children Unrestricted Fund: provides support to charitable organizations or charitable causes as directed by DCF’s board of directors.

Lauren Hill Make A Difference Fund: provides support to charitable organizations or charitable causes as directed by DCF’s board of directors.

Meaghann Muncy Memorial Fund: provides support to charitable organizations or charitable causes as directed by DCF’s board of directors.

Mike & Margaret Renck Community Fund: provides support to charitable organizations or charitable causes as directed by DCF’s board of directors.

Rupel Family Unrestricted Fund: provides support to charitable organizations or charitable causes in Dearborn County as directed by DCF’s board of directors.