The Legacy Society of the Dearborn Community Foundation (DCF) is a group of individuals, organizations and other entities that have made a dedicated effort to invest in our community through endowment at the Foundation. These honorees live in Dearborn County or have strong ties to our community.

Legacy Society members have contributed a significant charitable endowment at DCF to support charitable needs in our community.

Some have established scholarship funds, while others have established designated or field of interest funds that support charitable organizations and causes in our community.

Legacy Society members have chosen to make a difference in our community today, knowing that their gifts will continue to give tomorrow and forever into the future.

Legacy Society Members

Dave & Emily Alig

Alzheimer’s Support Groups of Southeast Indiana, Inc.

Jada & Greg Ankenbauer



Aurora Lions Club

The late Delores E. Baker

The late Charles Beyer & Wilma Beyer

James Blair Jr.

Keri Brown

Paula & Mark Bruner

Douglas S. & Debbie Busching

Milton & Sandra Carley

Carnegie Hall Historic Landmarks Preservation Society, Inc.

Allen Carpenter

Kenny & Verna Cotton

Carol Davis

Dearborn County Retired Teachers Foundation, Inc.

Dave Deddens

The late Gerhard Deddens

The late Hartell F. Denmure & the late LaVerne R. Denmure (both posthumously)

Jeremy Dilts

The late Luella Dixon

Melody Dixon

Sabra Duerstock

The late Robert Dunavent & Helen Dunavent

East Central High School Community

Lynn & Camille Eiler

Andrea Ewan

Naomi Ewan

Thomas Peters Ewbank

Victor Fay

Mary Fields

The late Wilma Firsich

Beth Fox

Patricia Frondorf

Stephanie Frondorf

P.G. Gentrup

Jeff Graf

Fred & Jody Grawey

The late Ruth Gulley Gray

Donna Hartman

Larry & Marylin Heffelmire

Mike & Loretta Heffelmire

Steve & Virginia Heffelmire

Daniel Honchell

Jamie Howard

Jeffery L. Huntington

Jerry & Stefanie Keller

Doug & Luree Ketcham

Gary Kinnett

Jeanne Lehn

The late Charles Lehner & Diana Lehner

Carina Lewis

Deb Locke

Gary & Jennifer Lohmiller

The late Frank R. Longcamp (posthumously)

Mary Jo Lynch

Ken & Cherie Maddin

D. Neal & Monica Meece

Sherry & Rich Midlam

The Town of Moores Hill

Barry & Fayla Nanz

E. Alan Newhouse

R. Daniel Newhouse

Gerald & Dorothy Nixon

Jane & Mike Noel

North Dearborn Conservation Club

Jenni Pause

James Mitchell PeGan

Courtney PeGan

Nicki PeGan

Darlene Phillips

Ron & Bonnie Powell

Amber Probst

F. William & Stephanie Rahe

John & Patricia Rahe

The late Dellas Ross & the late Dorothea Ross

The late Jim Rupel & the late Janet Rupel

Kevin & Meghan Schafer

The late Ronald Selmeyer

The late Loren Shuter

James Stock & the late Sue Stock

Heather Strasemeier

Sunman Rural Fire Department Members

Dr. Jim Swanson

Jo Ellen Tucker

Connie Tyler

Nick & Judy Ullrich

The late Louise Walker

The late William Zimmer & the late Marjorie Zimmer