LAWRENCEBURG, Ind., December 28, 2018 – The Dearborn Community Foundation (DCF), Inc. celebrated its 20th Anniversary in 2018 by awarding $20,000 in proactive grants to organizations across Dearborn County.

Fifteen of the $1,000 grants were recommended by DCF’s Board members. The other five, $1,000 grants were recommended by five lucky attendees whose names were drawn at the Foundation’s Anniversary Dinner earlier this year.

DCF 20th Anniversary Dinner attendee John Wessel was one of the lucky winners drawn to recommended a $1,000 proactive grant to a charitable organization in Dearborn County. Board member Cherie Maddin, right, confirmed the winning ticket. Wessel recommended his grant to the Pregnancy Care Center in Lawrenceburg.

While DCF has awarded more than $40 million in grants and scholarships in its 20-year history, the proactive grants awarded this year had a special meaning to the Board members recommending them, said Fred McCarter, DCF Executive Director. Board members collectively approve grants at nearly every meeting, but these grants had a more personal feel to them, he said.

“The dollar amount of a grant is not all that makes it meaningful,” McCarter said. “It’s often the thought behind it that makes it so impactful. Don’t get me wrong. A $1,000 grant to any organization is impactful.”

McCarter says the DCF Board members did their own research to learn more about charitable organizations in the community, or relied on their experiences to decide where they wanted to recommend a $1,000 proactive grant.

The $1,000 grants recommended by the five lucky attendees at DCF’s 20th Anniversary Dinner are: 

  • Pregnancy Care Center – recommended by John Wessel of Bridgetown.
  • Youth Encouragement Services – recommended by Ruth Ann Little of Bright.
  • St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church and School – recommended by Dorothy Nixon of Bright.
  • Special Olympics Indiana (ROD) – recommended by Cheryl Schuman of Dillsboro.
  • South Dearborn Dollars For Scholars – recommended by Treva Hess of Manchester.

The $1,000 grants recommended by DCF’s 15 Board members are (You can learn more about each of the proactive grants recommended by DCF Board members by visiting the DCF website’s “News” page.):

  • Dearborn County Clearinghouse for Emergency Aid to be used for the “Sacks of Snacks” program, which serves the school children in need in our community. – Board Member Jada Ankenbauer
  • Aurora First United Methodist Church, Aurora, to restore its basement kitchen (used for many charitable activities) which was damaged during the flooding in early March. – Board Chairperson Randy Tyler
  • Carnegie Historic Landmarks Preservation Society, Inc. (Carnegie Hall) in Moores Hill to support the general operations of the organization. – Board Member Fayla Nanz
  • Special Olympics Indiana-Ripley Ohio Dearborn for Summer Games Registration for athletes. – Board Treasurer Bill Ward
  • Volunteers in Medicine of Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland Counties (VIDMOS Clinic), Aurora, to provide access to quality medical care not cost to underserved in the three-county region. – Board Secretary Mark Neff
  • James B. Wismann Youth Encouragement Services Home, Inc. (Y.E.S. Home), Aurora, for general operations for the residential group home for youths ages 13-18, that provides a structured, nurturing environment for abused, neglected and abandoned children. – Board Member Cherie Maddin
  • Southeastern Indiana Veterans Treatment Court, housed in Dearborn County Superior Court I under Judge Jonathan N. Cleary, to help with its mission to provide its services to residents of Dearborn, Jefferson, Ohio, Ripley and Switzerland counties. – Board Member Paula Bruner
  • Moore’s Hill Church of Christ to backpack program for Moores Hill School students. The program provides a backpacks full of school supplies for students in need for the start of the 2018-2019 school year. – Board Vice President Julie Murphy
  • Bright Lions Club to be used for the backpack program to provide school supplies to students in need. – Board Member Karen Blasdel
  • Southeast Indiana Youth Orchestra for the purchase of instruments. The Orchestra’s mission is to provide musical training through an orchestral setting in which the student has an opportunity to join with others and play as a group. – Board Member Elise Smith
  • Angel Fund at the People for Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) of Dearborn County to help cover expenses for treatment above and beyond the regular veterinary services that animals receive while at the center. – Board Member Bill Lakes

    Dearborn Community Foundation Board member Bill Lakes, center, delivers a $1,000 grant check to P.A.W.S. of Dearborn County Director Brenda Wagel, left, and P.A.W.S. Board member Penny Schroder. The DCF grant monies go to the P.A.W.S. Angel Fund to provide medical treatment for shelter animals.

  • Bev Henry Emergency Fund at Southeastern Indiana Economic Opportunities Corporation (SIEOC) to provide a variety of assistance to income-eligible families in a crisis situation in Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, Ripley, Switzerland and Union counties in Southeast Indiana. – Board Member Loretta Day
  • Children’s Advocacy Center of Southeastern Indiana. The mission of the CAC is to be a child-friendly nonprofit corporation created to minimize the trauma suffered by victims of child abuse. – Board President Kevin Schafer
  • City of Greendale for its Community Garden Project to support the work of volunteers of the Southeast Community Gardens to provide an inclusive environment for all members of the community to work together toward improving food and social insecurities, physical and emotional wellness, and nutritional and ecological awareness. – Board Member Tim Russell
  • St. Lawrence School, Lawrenceburg for general operations of the school. – Board Member Ramzi Nuseibeh

 To learn more about DCF, call 812-539-4115, stop by the office at 322 Walnut Street in Lawrenceburg, or visit the Foundation website at www.dearborncf.org. If you are interested in making a contribution to DCF, visit our website’s “Give Now” page to donate on line and to learn other giving options.