LAWRENCEBURG, IND., MAY 17, 2023 – College students pursuing a doctorate in medicine can now apply online for the 2023 Dr. Leslie M. Baker Memorial Scholarship at the Dearborn Community Foundation, Inc. (DCF) website:
The Dr. Leslie M. Baker Memorial Scholarship is open to residents of Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland counties who are currently pursuing a doctorate in medicine. Priority is given to students at Indiana University School of Medicine, Dr. Baker’s alma mater. Qualifying medical students must go to the “scholarship” page on DCF’s website and click on the link “Scholarships for Current College Students.” Then applicants click on the “Baker Scholarship” link to apply online.
Medical students have a deadline of 4 p.m. on Friday, July 28, to complete the online application for the Dr. Leslie M. Baker Memorial Scholarship. One scholarship of $1,000 is available.
The Dr. Leslie M. Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Dr. Steven Gerke and the family of the late Dr. Baker to help students seeking a doctorate in medicine. Dr. Gerke received financial support for his education from Dr. Baker and was surprised when he later learned that Dr. Baker helped several other students in the same way. Dr. Gerke and the family of the late Dr. Baker were so moved by Dr. Baker’s philanthropy that they established the memorial scholarship in his honor.