LAWRENCEBURG, Ind., DECEMBER 19, 2023 – The Dearborn Community Foundation (DCF), Inc. recently awarded a $1,000 proactive grant to the Dillsboro Summer Recreation Inc. to help purchase an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) for use during the youth organization’s sporting events in Dillsboro.

In its 25th year of helping donors make a difference, DCF is awarding 15 proactive grants of $1,000 each throughout 2023 to charitable organizations that serve Dearborn County residents. Each of the Foundation’s 15 volunteer Board members is recommending a grant. The money comes from the Foundation’s Unrestricted Endowment Funds, established by donors to provide flexibility to address changing needs in the community over the years.
DCF Board Member Casey Finnegan made the grant recommendation.
“Hundreds of people gather on a given day at Dillsboro Park during youth baseball, softball or soccer events,” said Finnegan, who grew up in Dillsboro and participated in the recreational program. His kids also have participated in youth sports at the park.
The organization needs an AED that might save the life of a visting adult or youth participant during an event.
“I learned there was a need for an AED, and the organization could use more funds to purchase one. You just never know when it might save someone’s life to always have one of these at the park. It just makes sense to have one where groups of people gather,” said Finnegan.
To make a contribution, visit the organization’s website, or mail your donation to Dillsboro Summer Recreation Inc. P.O. Box 188, Dillsboro, IN 47018-0188.
Anyone can contribute to an unrestricted endowment at DCF and help make impact grants like the 15 DCF Board members are recommending in 2023. For a list of the unrestricted endowments and to learn more about the Foundation, call 812-539-4115 or visit the Foundation website at If you are interested in contributing to DCF, visit our website’s “Give Now” page to donate online and to learn about other giving options.