Grants will be made to not-for-profit organizations for projects that will directly benefit the residents of the City of Aurora. An advisory committee consisting of the members of the Aurora City Council will advise the DCF on preferences among grant applicants.
Entities that provide specific services for the City of Aurora are also eligible to apply for this grant program. Examples of the types of services include: EMS, historic preservation, housing, technical assistance, transportation and youth services.
2021 Grant Deadline:
Must be submitted by 4 P.M. on day listed!
To Be Announced Soon!
Grant funds will not be available in 2021 after this date!
Click Here to Apply for a Grant
Contact the DCF office with questions relating to available grant opportunities:
Dearborn Community Foundation
322 Walnut Street
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
(812) 539-4115 phone